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Black Hills
              Amateur Radio Club W0BLK


The Black Hills Amateur Radio Club is based in Rapid City, South Dakota at the junction of the Great Plains and the Black Hills. We are a group of dedicated amateur radio operators who enjoy all aspects of the amateur service.
The club was founded in 1935 and became an ARRL affiliated club in 1937.

Special Event
Exam Session March 22nd - An amateur radio exam session will be held at West Hills Village at 255 Texas St in Rapid City. The session is open to all attendees and starts at 10:00am. Contact Chris KDØRAS for more info.

Club Meeting
March 21st, 6:00pm - The March meeting will be held at the South Dakota School of Mines in the Electrical Engineering/Physics building room 208. Social Hour will start at 6:00pm with the meeting to commence around 7:00pm.

Club E-Mail List
Interested in receiving notices for club events?

Bi-Weekly Net
Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 7pm
Please join us for a bi-weekly rag chew on the club UHF repeater 444.575 MHz, 146.2 tone encode and decode. It's an opportunity to socialize and check on friends.

ARES Meeting
Next Meeting TBD

ARES Newsletter
New editions will be posted when available.